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Om & Go Guided Meditation Podcast
Om & Go Guided Meditation Podcast
Tammy Lorraine - The Optimistic Meditator

Calm your mind, reduce anxiety and tap into your greater potential through short, guided meditations designed to get you centered and calm quickly.

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How long are your meditations?

My meditations range from 4-8 minutes long. 


Do I have to be Spiritual or Religious to benefit from Om & Go?

Regardless of your religious orientation, meditation has the power to quiet our minds long enough to tap into something bigger than our monkey mind. My meditations are spiritual in nature and I often refer to the indescribable using a variety of terms ranging from God to Source to Infinite Love. I’m aware that many people have “allergies” to certain terms and I do believe it’s important to have an open mind and be mindful, which is what meditation is all about. Even if you have no spiritual background, there is scientific proof for the power of meditation to change our brain wave frequencies and allow us to access a higher order of thinking.